41% des faits dénoncés concernent des victimes âgées de moins de 15 ans
Dans 3 cas sur 4, l’agresseur est l’entraineur de sport
Les violences sexuelles durent entre 1 et 5 ans pour 1 victime sur 3
41% des faits dénoncés concernent des victimes âgées de moins de 15 ans
Dans 3 cas sur 4, l’agresseur est l’entraineur de sport
Les violences sexuelles durent entre 1 et 5 ans pour 1 victime sur 3
41% of reported incidents involve victims under 15 years of age
In 3 out of 4 cases, the aggressor is the sports coach
The sexual violence lasts between 1 and 5 years for 1 in 3 victims
Presentation of the module
This program is designed to meet the specific needs of our young teenage athletes, during this crucial period when they are in full physical and psychological transition. It will help them recognize and protect themselves against the various forms of sexist and sexual violence. This training will enable them to identify the different forms of violence, verbalize their experiences and emotions, and acquire the resources they need to take action, whether as witnesses or as those concerned.
By combining physical awareness and verbalization of feelings, our approach aims to train/inform young people right from the start of their sporting career to encourage a safer, more respectful environment, essential to their safety as well as their personal and sporting development. By raising young people’s awareness today, we are helping to build a more ethical and protective sporting future. If it’s not acceptable in the family, at school, in the street, at the doctor’s, or between friends, why should prohibited behavior be allowed or tolerated in sports as a lawless space? Sports should be emancipating and must respect the rights, integrity, and psychosocial, psycho-corporal, and psycho-sexual development of the children entrusted to our care. A smile has no price, and neither does a medal.
Young athletes from the “Pôles Espoirs” (under 13, under 15)
A team of experts comprising an athlete, a psychologist, and a mind-body therapist.
Group size
maximum 15 to 20 youths per session, single-sex
At your establishment
Module objectives
• Raise awareness…
in young athletes of the various forms of sexist and sexual violence, particularly in athletics, and to abusive relations.
• Prevent…
violent situations involving minors, who account for 41% of the victims reported to the “Signal Sport” platform.
• Encourage…
self-awareness and body awareness to better understand how interactions influence our emotions and physical well-being.
• Promote…
empowerment in young athletes by giving them the mind-body tools to identify violent situations.
• Inform…
about the available counselling and support to help them respond to violent situations, to guarantee their protection, and to break out of their isolation.
We adapt to your needs! The module can be customized. Contact us at sensibilisation@fightfordignity.net.